Home Inspector: Keep Bathroom Watertight

bathroom mold3 Tips to Keep Your Bathroom Clean and Dry

By Lawrence Watkins, Specsure Property Inspections    


As a leading home inspector in Buffalo and all of Western New York, we often come across a little bits of information that can make your lives as a homeowner a bit easier.  So, after years of performing home inspections throughout Western New York, we thought we would share these little tidbits with you.


  1. To get rid of mildew or soap build-up on bathroom caulk, try using rubbing alcohol, straight from the bottle, with a clean rag on the affected areas. A gel type bleach pen can also work wonders in you leave it on the caulk long enough. It should come sparkling clean like the day it was applied.
  2. Bathtubs sometimes sink a bit when they’re full.  Because of this, the caulk around the tub and shower walls might fail prematurely.  To get the most of the application and keep the area water tight, fill the bathtub with water before applying caulk.  Drain the tub after the caulk material has dried or cured.
  3. Thinking of changing the bathroom floor covering?  If you plan on using vinyl tiles I would think twice.  The tiles, especially the peel and stick variety, are great for kitchens or other areas, but not so much in bathrooms.  Sheet flooring in a bathroom gives a little more protection in the event of an overflow or tidal waves created by the kids.