Home Inspector: 5 Things to Look for in Spring

spring house-inspectionHome Inspection Insight:  5 Things to Look for this Spring


Winter can be tough on our houses and this time of year is a perfect time to walk around the exterior and determine if there is any damage.  As a leading home inspection company in Western New York we have found the Spring months can be challenging for many homeowners.  The effects of a long, hard winter are especially evident at the exterior of our homes where we have not been able to perform routine maintenance for several months.

With that in mind, here are 5 key areas to inspect around your own home to make sure they are in tip top shape:


  • The Roof.  Stand back and inspect the roof for missing or loose shingles.  If you have a pair of binoculars, you should pull them out for this exercise.  This is exactly home many home inspectors evaluate a roof. Make a note of the location of any damaged shingles and contact a reliable roofing contractor to make appropriate repairs.
  • Gutters and Downspouts.  The significant ice build up many homes experienced may have caused gutters and downspouts to pull away from the roof’s edge.  Using binoculars, inspect for loose sections.  Also, standing directly below the gutters, look straight up to see if the gutter channels are pulled away from the home (daylight between the gutter and house may be an indication securing is needed).  Make a note of the areas requiring attention and contact a reliable contractor to secure or replace the affected sections.
  • Trim.  Walk around the house and observe the siding and trim materials.  Note any areas where the materials have become loose and secure accordingly.
  • Loose Mortar Joints.  As you walk around the house, where there is brick or stone, including the chimney, inspect the mortar joints to be sure they are in tact.  Where loose or missing mortar is noted, contact a reliable contractor to repair as necessary.
  • Peeling Paint.  Note peeling paint as you walk around the house. If the affected areas are small in number and size, you may be able to perform touch up with left over paint from the last paint job.  If they are numerous or large, you may want to consider a complete paint job.


Inspecting these few areas and performing routine maintenance and repairs will go a long way in prolonging the life of a component.  More importantly, paying attention to the areas on the outside will keep our homes weather tight and help eliminate damage to the interior during inclement weather.